Motor Service Marketing

16523 Waycreek Road Houston, TX 77068

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Auto Repair Marketing Direct Mail With A Twist. A totally unique targeting strategy. Selection of Great Customers by marketing to great cars. Mass mailings don't work. They deliver mostly large numbers of "Needy Customers". Rifle shot targeting by car make and year gives you a 90% better chance of getting a car owner who loves their car and is willing to spend whatever it takes to keep that car running to perfection. We call this the "Prime Customer". The Needy Customer will never come back at full price. They can't afford to. The Prime customer will come back over and over again and pay full price (if you treat them right). To prove this strategy delivers higher income, we have clients that have stuck with us for 3 years, 5 and 6 years, 8, 10, 12, 15 and even 18 consecutive years. WHY? This program delivers the income you are looking for year after year. Plus we have the DMV auto repair marketing direct mail mailing list in 15 states!

Call Motor Service Marketing Today!

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